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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 in Conference Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street in Newtown.  

Present:  Robert Rau, Joseph Humeston, Ted Kreinik, Martha LaMarche, Margaret Oliger, and Donald Sharpe

Also Present:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Planning and Community Development

Mr. Rau called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.

Public Participation – Diane, Charles and Rob Merrifield from Sugar Hill Service Center on 153 Sugar Street in Newtown, were present to discuss their interest in expanding their business with increase space for auto body repair and refurbishing, office space, and a larger convenience store.  

Correspondence:   Mr. Rau discussed a memo from the Land Use Agency regarding the updating of the Plan of Conservation and Development.  He and Ms. Stocker will review the POCD and will e-mail changes to the committee for review.

Mr. Rau read a letter of resignation he received from Mitch Bolinsky.  The letter was forwarded to the Town Clerk and to the First Selectman’s office.  The commissioners all commended Mr. Bolinsky’s service to the Commission.  It was noted that his enthusiasm and eloquence will be missed.  

Ms. Stocker discussed a message she received from John Marini, an Alderman in Ansonia, praising the quality of the EDC’s website and requested information about Sandormax.

Acceptance of Minutes – Mr. Humeston motioned to approve minutes of April 20, 2010.  Motion seconded by Mr. Sharpe.  The minutes will be reviewed further and updates will be made and approved at the next meeting.


  • Director, Economic and Community Development – Ms. Stocker submitted the her report that is summarized as follows:  (1) Updates to the EDC web site ( continues.  A revised proposal for an Internet marketing strategy is being considered by the Marketing Committee.  A template for the Enews has been completed and the target for the first issue will go out this month; (2) Two more ad placements are scheduled for this fiscal year (A 700 word editorial and ½ page ad to appear in June issue of the New York REJ and the second is in the New England REJ, CT section); (3) Loop Net continues to provide ongoing feed back on the listings added for Fairfield Hills and Tech Park.  New leads for Fairfield Hills will be turned over to Mike Struna; (4) The proposal from A Sign Depot for two signs for the Tech Park is a very reasonable $708.   The signs will be placed following final feedback from Marketing Committee; (5) Visits to existing Newtown businesses continues, she has worked with prospects for potential business expansions and start up plans.  The projects include medical & general office uses and sports related businesses.  She attended the Chamber’s networking meeting on May 13th at Planter’s Choice (celebrating their 40th year in business). Business visits accomplished this month included Union Savings Bank (ribbon cutting), Your Healthy Pet, Tumble Jungle, Dr. Young & Figs Restaurant in Sandy Hook; (6) Projects moving through the Land Use Agency include the Villa Project in Sandy Hook and AFS at the former Pitney Bowes plant on Edmond Road.  Walgreens submitted their final site plan for South Main Street.  Other projects expected include new buildings proposed on Dusty Lane and Pecks Lane; (7) Kim Cadena (Intern) completed the development potential analysis for Sandy Hook Center.  The project identifies and illustrates the potential for increased economic activity in the hamlet.  This exercise supports the plan for the water main extension and a streetscape program.  A map and spreadsheet were distributed for the commission’s review and discussion.  It was noted that improvements to Sandy Hook center, including lighting, sidewalks, landscaping, and water main, will attract economic development.  The CIP originally approved $200k per year for five years.  Ms. Stocker suggested using the funds to assist current property owners with street scape improvements.  
b.      Subcommittee Reports

  • Maximization of Sites for Economic Development –  Item tabled.
  • Business Advocacy/Retention – The commissioners discussed hiring an outside consultant to serve as a Communications Coordinator to work with existing and potential Newtown businesses.  Materials and a questionnaire could be developed to help provide an in depth analysis of the needs of the business community.  The commission unanimously agreed to authorize the subcommittee to develop a scope of service with deliverables for a fixed fee.  Ms. Stocker said that $4,000.00 could be allocated for this position and that an Request for Proposal (RFP) would need to be generated.  Mr. Kreinik will discuss this with the Director of Finance.  The subcommittee will work on placing information in The Bee and on the website.
Mr. Rau discussed and encouraged attendance at a Chamber event to be held at McLaughlin Vineyards on May 21, 2010.  

iii.    Evaluate/Upgrade EDC Marketing Aids – The commission discussed the development of their first E-Newsletter.  Some suggestions for content included Tech Park plans, the Sandy Hook Streetscape Project, and Farmers Market.  An E-Blast can be sent out every two weeks.  Suggestions are to be sent to Ms. Stocker.  The commission also discussed internet marketing proposals from Sandormax and Jantris.

iv.     Development of Tech Park – Bill Carboni submitted an application to the Inland Wetlands Commission. A public hearing may be set at their next meeting.

v.      Strategic Plan – Item tabled.

Old Business

a.      AFS Status – A public hearing is set for June 9th with the Inland Wetlands Commission.  

b.      Farmer’s Market – Mr. Thompson received approval for the Farmer’s Market to be held at the back parking lot of Edmond Town Hall, but a representative from the Farmer’s Market stated they did not want to have it located on pavement, and where it is not visible from the road.  He then received an approval for it to be held at the Middle School but stipulations regarding insurance.  Mr. Thompson is working on resolving the insurance issues.

New Business

a.      Community Builder Institute (Crash Course I & II / Fundamentals of Economic Development and Planning) – Mr. Humeston attended this course and said it was well done and very beneficial.  He suggested others may benefit from attending.  There will be a repeat of Level I on August 31st in Waterbury, and Level II will be held at Northeast Utilities on November 30th.  

Mr. Humeston motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:07 pm, Motion seconded by Mr. Sharpe.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk